Truth. Honesty. Integrity.
Words that are more than words. They are qualities that seem to have been lost in our generation. It seems everyone is just out to 'look' the best they can! The story you tell in word, and in action in our lives seems more and more to be a facade. Its easy to go and buy a new car, new shiny clothes, and fancy makeup to make you feel better about who you are, but I don't think it means a whole lot honestly.
Actions speak louder than words. You ever heard that saying before? I would like to take it a step further. Who you are when no one is watching, and the REAL truths that make up who you are are the things that matter in this life! THOSE things are the real defining characteristics that make up your happiness level. You can lie to yourself, and to those around you all you want. In the end it will only equal more unhappiness, and more discontent with yourself, and that will not lead to anything positive, I assure you.
I have been a part of this wave of trying to fit it, and look at my shiny new iPhone. I have also realized that they are a distraction from the real things that are going on. I am tired of seeing people around me tell me what they think I want to hear. I am tired of trying to figure out if someone is lying to me. Just be honest, tell me the truth, and if that happens, I will be more than happy to be completely open with you in return.
My main goal at this moment in my life, after being changed so much by this #csfleak, is to be honest, faithful, and true; ALWAYS! That isn't easy, but I am deeply committed to it, because I know from experience that it equals the highest level of happiness in my life. I am also going to be less, and less welcoming to those people around me who aren't being that, to me, and in their own life.
Just some things that are on my mind this night! I hope you agree. We nee more Truth, Honesty, and Integrity in our world.