Friday, November 27, 2015

Be Thankful, and KNOW the changes you need to make...

As Thanksgiving has come and gone, it has given me a moment to reflect on the things I have in my life to be grateful for, and I have also been in thought about the things I want to be different in my life. 

I believe it's extremely healthy to know both the good, and the not as perfect things that surround your life. In order to achieve a space in your life where you are happy, you must be progressing. 

I have made a lot of changes in 2015. Some have been forced upon me. Some have come from being sick, and knowing what it's like to dream of a normal day, and others have been shaped because of relationships I am in, and people that I know. It's been the hardest year of my life, but I am better for it! 

I still have a long road. I am not where I want to be. There are many things as I sit here writing this that I want different. More than I can even say here...but I know them, and will do all I can to make the changes I need to make! 

We can change our own lives, our own future; I know it is true. It starts with BEEing Happy, and BEEing Positive. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life! 

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