Saturday, November 28, 2015

The BEE Update

I get a lot of questions as to what my current health status is...and because I'm trying my hardest to live a normal life in spite of it being hard, I don't like thinking about it. 

So because it means a lot that you care enough to ask, and me trying to be as open as possible for the goal of helping someone through this I will update on this blog! 

We're now almost 8 months into this journey. I could say with certainty that I am having a harder time now, then ever before. Headaches are a constant thing. Fluid leak is dripping down my throat all day, but it is worse at times. I walked into a resturaunt the other day and my hands were full of fluid. It's embarrassing, and then stuffing tissue up my nose is quite noticeable. But I think that it's an opportunity to teach, and show people about my "BEE Happy Movement" and hopefully leave them better off, so I justify the embarrassment for that opportunity. 

I hate pain pills. Always have, and now I am literally in them every day! I wake up in the morning feeling quite normal, then by afternoon it's taking all I have to keep going, by 7:00 I'm having to take a pill. They give me an opportunity to get ahead of the mental game. 

Most of my day is mental. Can I keep going? I force myself to push on...while that is very heavy, it is the only way I am not in bed all day. 

Surgery will hopefully be this year. Brain surgery is what I am leaning towards. The thought terrifies me though. I pray that by the time that comes, I will be prepared emotionally. 

The biggest lesson I have learned in the last 8 months is that I am the most happy when I am helping someone else, helping them feel happy inside. There is so much power in having your heart and soul happy and strong. If more people helped each other, and truly cared about the people they see struggling, this would would change for the better nearly immediately. The Bee Happy Award starts in January, where we will award people in our community for being above reproach, and for being happy inspire of trials! I get to see many of these awesome people, it's time we show the world there is ALOT to BEE Happy about...I hope I can make a difference to at least one person.  

*I wrote this on my phone. Please forgive spelling errors, and punctuation. 

1 comment:

  1. My daughter almost 2 years ago was supposed to have an epidural but she was numb from the waist up not down. Come to find out they put 7 or 8 holes in her spine. They did a blood patch but it only worked for 2 weeks. She has constant headaches too. She has even been to Salt Lake and nothing is happening.
    I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope they get it fixed soon so you can get back to your life.
